Otherwise, it will warn you of getting invalid Digital ID or suggest you to get a Digital ID when you are clicking the Send button in composing email. Note: This method requires valid Digital ID in your Microsoft Outlook. Step 4: Click all OK buttons in each dialog box. Step 3: Go to the Encrypted e-mail section, and check the option of Encrypt contents and attachments for outgoing messages. Step 2: In the Trust Center dialog box, click the E-mail Security in the left bar. In Outlook 20, please click the File > Options to open the Outlook Options dialog box, and then click the Trust Center > Trust Center Settings in the Outlook Options dialog box.In Outlook 2007, please click the Tools > Trust Center.Step 1: Open the Trust Center dialog box, If you need all email contents and their attachments encrypted automatically, please follow these steps:
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See screen shot:Įncrypt contents and attachments for all messages This entry was posted on Saturday, February 26th, 2011 at 1:08 pm and is filed under iPhone.You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. If you have not added Digital ID on your computer, it will pop up an E-mail Security dialog box when you are clicking the Send button. Note: Encrypting messages and attachments requires a valid Digital ID. Step 6: Compose your email message and click the Send button. Step 5: Click the OK button and Close button to exit two dialog boxes. Step 4: In the Security Properties dialog box, please check the option of Encrypt message contents and attachments. Step 3: In the new dialog box, please click the Security Settings button in the Security section. Step 2: In the Message window, please click the arrow button at the bottom-right corner in the More Options group on the Options tab.